The purpose of this open letter is to find someone or more than one on the other side of the political spectrum to converse with me on the issues of the day. Let’s do it here in print for everyone to read. The only rules would be: 1. no name calling, 2. information that is presented as factual must be followed by the source of that information or it must be labeled opinion, 3. if a question can be answered by a yes or no, the yes or no must come first followed by any explanation or mitigation and not the other way around, and finally, answer the question and stay focused. To give you a hint as to where I stand on most issues, I am a fiscal conservative and a social moderate to conservative. My issues would be; the size of government and its intrusion into our lives, over regulation, mismanagement of funds, the nanny state, global warming - real or contrived and how much do we have to do with it, the Constitution, is it real or just an old piece of paper, sovereignty and nationalism, immigration, the supreme court and the illegitimate president, to name a few.
My opinion on the above issues (note the word opinion) is government is way too large and getting bigger, it over regulates us and mismanages our tax monies almost to the point of being criminal. I think our legislators have way too much time on their hands and are trying to justify their existence by ridiculous legislative action. I believe that over regulation is driving businesses out of California and lowering the tax base. I believe that right down to the county level, our elected officials mismanage the funds they are given and want to tax or put a fee on virtually everything we do. I believe that global warming or cooling is a complete product of sunspots and the earth’s natural heating and cooling cycles. We contribute an extremely small percentage and if we stopped all our contributions, the earth would still warm or cool in spite of Al Gore’s movie. I believe that the Constitution is a founding document and is the supreme law of the land, that it is not a living document but the ultimate document by which every legislative action must be judged. No activist judge should ever be appointed to the Supreme Court. Sovereignty, nationalism and immigration go almost together. We are a sovereign nation and as such have a right and duty to control illegal and legal immigration. Our borders should be closed until we get a handle on drug traffic and illegal immigration. Lastly, I believe that there is evidence indicating that this current occupant of the White House is in fact an illegitimate President. He is not a natural born citizen as required by the constitution and should be removed from office.
So, there you have it, my opinions in a nutshell. What do you think and where do you want to start the conversation? This publication is a place to start. I think it is a winning situation for all involved. The readership would like it, you get to challenge me and I you. We both get our voices heard. What do you think, other side? Are you game, I am. Let’s have at it. Quite frankly talking to the choir is not all that fun when all that are listening agree. It is safe and non- threatening. It seems to me that a point and counter point in this forum and elsewhere, allowing time for adequate research and response would stimulate thought and shine some light on the issues of our time. We don’t need others to tell us what to think, we can think for ourselves, right? I’m Dick Marshall, let’s talk.
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